Christmas Pondering

A Festival to Remember, Give Thanks, and Celebrate

Psalms 81:3
Blow the ram’s horn at the new moon, and again at the full moon to call a festival!

Let me share some things I have been pondering in my heart this Christmas. In the Old Testament, God established festivals for His people so they would not forget what their ancestors had been through and what God had done on their behalf. Humans tend to be forgetful (I know I am). I like to think of Christmas as a kind of festival where we remember Christ’s birth. The humility of God astounds me at Christmas! God the Son is on His throne and willingly gives it up and becomes a vulnerable human babe who would one day die a horrible death and offer salvation to the world. It’s a lot to absorb and take in, but it always leads me to worship. No one will ever be more humble than Jesus!

When I think about Psalms 81:3 and seasons like Christmas, when we remember, I am reminded that God might be asking me to set up festivals/seasons of remembrance in my own life. God has indeed done many things for me and setting up unique festivals in my own life might be a good way for me to remember those things and give God thanks. So I leave you with this: what festival is God calling you to start in your own life or in the life of your family?

Merry Christmas!


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