Removing Creative Blocks

Abstract Floral Painting by Stacy Lee .jpg

Are you a creative person? When you are working on something creative, do you ever experience emotional blocks? I have caught myself feeling frustrated and other negative emotions when I get stuck in a painting. Here is how I help myself out of these negative thought patterns: think about your last great creation (craft, painting, artwork, etc.) Remember when you felt this way during that process and look at how it turned out! You must remind yourself when you are creating to keep going. You will walk out of that emotional valley and onto the mountain top if you just keep going. If you don’t give up, you will prevail! Just remember this advice when you are creating and start to feel those negative emotions creep in that start to block your creativity. Kick them out quickly and remember: your next great artwork is just around the corner if you keep moving!


Purpose and Painting


Understanding Abstract Painting