Stacy Shives Stacy Shives

Understanding Abstract Painting

Abstract painting is not an attempt of something intellectual. It’s an attempt to paint an emotional response. The language of the heart is not always easy to understand with the mind. However, the colors and compositions of abstract painting is something the heart can know so well. When you are looking at an abstract artwork, listen to your heart. What are you feeling? What are your emotions saying? It is OK to go there and listen. The more we neglect our emotions, the more we will have trouble down the road. Abstract painting has become a positive way for me to release emotions and to respond to something expressively and create something beautiful with that expression. I hope you will join me on the journey! It’s a delight for both the artist and the viewer!

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Stacy Shives Stacy Shives

Colors and Calming Anxiety

Holy Fire Originalsm.jpg

This painting is full of colors that reminds me of the joy nature brings us. The blue in this painting is my favorite shade of blue! It reminds me of blue skies with big puffy cotton clouds or ocean waters so clear you can see right through. The yellow, oranges, magentas and pinks in this vibrant abstract painting remind me of the gorgeous sunsets and sunrises you see at the beach. With this painting I can sense the presence of God in His creation. The sights, sounds and smells of the beach surround me: the wind in hair, the colors reflecting off the warm water, the smell of salt in the air. There is so much beauty to take in all at once. These pleasures are where I go to in my mind when stress, trials and anxiety strike. Try it yourself – I promise, it works! Delighting in nature is a great way to reduce your anxiety level and bring you to a calm place. This painting is made with this intention. Check out my shop for product availability.

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